Some definitions of what you might find on the CDL certificates..
The table is the upper flat facet of a stone. The size of the table determines the look of the stone.
Table percentage is the ratio of the table width as compared to the total width of the diamond.
Ideal = 53 - 58%
Excellent = 58.1 - 60%
Good = 60.1 - 64%
Fair = 64 - 70%
Poor = over 70%
Pavilion Depth
Pavilion Depth is a portion of the overall diamond depth and represents the height of a diamond (Pavilion)or the distance from the girdle to the bottom of pavilion, called culet.
Pavilion Angle
(Pavilion: the portion of the diamond below the girdle.) Pavilion angle determines a diamond’s brilliance and fire.
Crown Height
The part of the diamond that is above the girdle.
The middle portion of a diamond which forms a band around the stone- its widest part.
Based on the diamond’s proportions and the relation of one facet to another (meet-point faceting).